viernes, 14 de octubre de 2011


October 10th, 2011

P.O Box 45

Arlington, Texas

Dear Andrés,

Hey Andrés! How are you doing? I’m glad to hear from you. I’m also thankful because you wrote telling me about your issue with your schedule, and that this is costing you with your IB studies. Don’t worry; you have time to make things right, and start doing your IB projects. If the problem is, as you said to me, that you don’t have enough time because of your soccer trainings I can help to you because I’m (can) related(relate) with this problem.

The IB requires a lot of your time. In fact, sometimes your weekends are time for studying and working, not for hanging out with your friends. I remember you told me that you’re taking Language A1, Language B, and Design Technology in SL and Math, Physics, and History in HL. Each class has a project that will take hours to do it. Also, you have to do CAS (Creativity, Action, and Service) hours, and finally you must make(write) an Extended Essay and a TOK Essay, so you have a lot to do!

I know you love playing soccer, but you must have priorities, and in this case your IB Diploma is more important than playing soccer. Why? The IB prepares you to college, and you can get a scholarship if you get a really good grade. If you don’t want to quit soccer, you can make a schedule every week containing what you’ll do to get some time to train, but to work too. If you think this will get you really tired, you can also go 4 days to your trainings and rest one day (I recommend you to choose Wednesday if you want this option).

I really think you must get organized if you want to do soccer, and get a good grade in the IB. I also think you have to put a really good effort if you want to stand out in both things. When you think you can’t do both things you need to relax. Things can work out if you do anything you have to do to achieve them! If you need help doing your schedule, talk with your parents, or with your IB coordinator. They can be really helpful! I hope my advices(advice) would help(helps) you with your problem. You know you can write me every time you want. Good luck with everything.


Eduardo Calderón

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