domingo, 24 de julio de 2011

Should mobile phones be banned at schools?

This topic question is one of the most polemic of all because students think it isn't bad to use mobile phones but teachers, parents, and principals think different. From my point of view, cellphones shouldn't be banned at school because of the following reasons. First of all, technology is a part of our lives even if we don't want it to, and it is an important part of our daily lives, so telephones have the same importance than computers (they aren't banned at school). Then, students need to communicate with their parents if they need something or they have an emergency, it is easy to send a SMS than going with your coordinator and ask him for a call. Also, cellphones are easy to handle, and if you need to write something you need must remember (like a homework, or something you have to make) it is easy to take out your cellphone that your computer or a sheet of paper! Cellphones have more pros than cons, so if your school banned cellphones, speak up and let your principal to know your point of view.

lunes, 4 de julio de 2011

Writing Activity 6

Write a paragraph where you persuade you reader whether the use of mobile phones for students should or should not be banned at school.

Banned Entry

You have the capacity to write an article sucha as the one below. Why then did you decide to comit plagiarism? It is a felony punished by economical fines or even jail time. In this case you will lose the 5 points this entry was valued.