lunes, 27 de junio de 2011

no more entries

Iwon't post any new entries until you post back the one I published banning your plagiarism.

domingo, 26 de junio de 2011

McDonald's USA vs. McDonald's Guatemala

You might think I'm crazy because of this comparison, but the truth is that even if the name is the same, not all the products are equal. For example, in McDonald's USA there are more than 30 different burgers & sandwiches while in McDonald's Guatemala there are less than 15. Also, in McDonald's USA you can order sides, snacks, and shakes. In McDonald's Guatemala you can order different kinds of Coffees in a special area called McCafé. When talking about beverages McDonald's USA has a huge variety of them, you can order from a simple Coke to a delicious vanilla shake. So if you travel to another country, don't trick yourself, you won't always find the same kind of food even if it's the same restaurant!

lunes, 20 de junio de 2011

lunes, 13 de junio de 2011

Why are americans so competitive in sports?

To begin with, I have to say that almost all of the countries are competitive in sports, but Americans are the most successful and I would like to say why. American trainers, scouts, and other people involved in sports always see to the future. How’s that? These people always watch players from different sports since they are young, so when one of them stands out they recruit him, and when they do this, they get him into a process so he can develop his skills to become a better athlete. This process has different ways. It can be by age and by area competition. Usually in sports there are team bases. These team bases can be from ages of 7 to about 23. For example, soccer has limited ages for young competitions such as Under 17, Under 20, Under 21, and so on. The area competition is a process in which teams start playing in their neighborhood, then in their state, later in a region of the US, and can finish playing national competitions, and even worldwide. One of the most interesting things in US sports is that they usually offer scholarships for people with sport talents. Millions of students participate in athletic programs operated by high schools and colleges. This scholarships are not just local people but also people living out of the US, and this is something good for US sports because they know that if someone has talent whether if he is American or not, they can take advantage of their skills. For example, the US sports federation has a special group of people who is dedicated to scout people around the world. Whenever they find someone with the profile they are looking for, this person will be brought and trained in one of the different sport facilities of the federation in order to defend the US national team. Sports are particularly associated with education in the United States, with most high schools and universities having organized sports. When foreign people look for a sport scholarship their first option is a University in the US because they know they can have a good education and also a lot of opportunities to play in the major leagues. For example, the major professional sports leagues operate drafts once a year, in which each league's teams select eligible prospects. The success of US in sports is because, as I mentioned before, they look beyond the present. They believe in a process and they develop their athletes step by step so they can improve all of their skills. They support them in different ways like spending a lot of money in them. For example in international competitions, food, lodging, clothes, etc., but they know that their reward would be worth it.

jueves, 9 de junio de 2011

How to install a software program?

To install a software program you need to follow a few steps so you can install your program properly. To start, you have to know that the installation of the program can depend on the operating system being used and the program being installed. You have to make sure that your computer meets the requirements of the program, game, or utility you are attempting to install. The manuals for the program or the readme file located in the same directory as the install commonly contain exact instructions on how to install a program. After installing or during the installation, a program may need to install other programs, files, or utilities before it is able to run. If this is the case, the program will commonly prompt you to install the program or you may need to run a separate install before the program can be fully used. When installing a program, utility, or game, it is always a good idea first to close or disable any other programs that are running. After installing a new program if it prompts you to reboot the computer, do it. If you want to install a program, follow these steps and enjoy it!

jueves, 2 de junio de 2011

Writing Activity 4

Delete the activity you posted and wait for my instructions. Even if you know what is coming, the rules of the game only allow one interaction at a time.

Write a paragraph explaining how to install a program in your computer.