martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Writing Activity 2

Write a paragraph where you explain the reasons why teenagers do almost anything to be accepted.

lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

Vices in a teenager's life

One of the hardest parts in life is when you are a teenager because of group pressure, curiosity, and imitation can make you fall into vices. Group pressure is when you do things that aren’t necessarily good ones, and you do those things to fit in. You also do them to please your group, but some surveys you can find in Internet demonstrate that 8 out of 10 guys and 7 out of 10 girls say they would not date someone who smokes or drinks. Besides group pressure, curiosity is something that pushes you to do things because you want to try something even if you know that you don’t have to do it. This curiosity can make you feel good when you try some things, but it can affect you later. You can define imitation as following a model or a pattern; to make a copy, counterpart or semblance of but imitation isn’t always good. For example, if you watch your father drinking a beer, you will want to drink a beer too. This group pressure, curiosity, and last but not least the bad imitation, takes you to the most dangerous things in a teenager’s life: vices. What vices can you have? For example, drinking, smoking, taking drugs, pornography, etc. These vices corrupt a teenager’s life and they make him/her a selfish and lonely person. According to research on internet 8 out of 10 teens who try smoking get hooked. Another study says that the concentration of teenagers in studying fades away, they become lazy, etc. So if you want to start to take one or more of these vices I just mentioned, think that they could lead you to a bad direction.