jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011


A lot of people think that smoking doesn't have risks in any way, but they don't know that it (does)has different consequences like having immediate effects, (like) developing some diseases(,) and becoming an addict. The (immediate) effects that can be immediately after you smoke a cigarette are (include) a lot such as a raise in your hearth rate and in your blood pressure, nausea, watery eyes, hyperacidity(hyper acidity), lost(loss) of appetite, chronic coughing, etc. It(You can) also can develop diseases like respiratory tract infections, emphysema, heart attacks, stomach ulcers, and several cancers that you don't want to have because they can kill you. But these two consequences (diseases) aren't so bad if we talk about (compared to) the addiction of smoking. Why is this so bad? Because (Like in any vice,) you get to a point in which you depend of a cigarette and you can't live without it(.) And(and) it's not easy to escape from it. You can also have (The addiction can manifest in such) symptoms like agitation, loss of concentration, change in sleep patterns, (and) strong cravings, to mention some of them. You can have a little pleasure for smoke(when smoking), but think about it before doing it because you don't know how (it) can affect your body and life.

lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011

Effects of Smoking

A lot of people think that smoking doesn't have risks in any way, but they don't know that it has different consequences like having immediate effects, developing some diseases, and becoming an addict. The effects that can be immediately after you smoke a cigarette are a lot such as a raise in your hearth rate and in your blood pressure, nausea, watery eyes, hyperacidity, lost of appetite, chronic coughing, etc. It also can develop diseases like respiratory tract infections, emphysema, heart attacks, stomach ulcers, and several cancers that you don't want to have because they can kill you. But these two consequences aren't so bad if we talk about the addiction of smoking. Why is this so bad? Because you get to a point in which you depend of a cigarette and you can't live without it. And it's not easy to escape from it. You can also have symptoms like agitation, loss of concentration, change in sleep patterns, strong cravings, to mention some of them. You can have a little pleasure for smoke, but think about it before doing it because you don't know how can affect your body and life.